People is the thirty-seventh skill (assuming read left to right) in the Hebrew language tree. It has six lessons and teaches the words for a variety of people and nationalities.
Lesson 1[]
- חבֵרה = girlfriend
- חבֵר = boyfriend
- ידיד = friend (m.)
- ידידה = friend (f.)
- אדם = person
- ציבור = public, audience
Lesson 2[]
- חבר = member
- ועדה = committee
- אויב = enemy
- כנס = conference
- תרבות = culture
- בן אדם = human being
- קרן = foundation
Lesson 3[]
- אוכלוסייה = population
- נוער = youth
- אנשים = people
- נער = teenager
- מערכת יחסים = relationship
- פרט = individual
Lesson 4[]
- בחור = boy
- בחורה = girl
- קורבן = victim
- אזרח = citizen
- מבוגר = adult
- זוג = couple
Lesson 5[]
- ...בן = ... years old
- ישראלי = Israeli
Lesson 6[]
- אמריקני = American
- אנגלי = English
- עַם = nation
- צרפתי = French
- אוסטרלי = Australian
Duolingo Lesson: