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Passive is the fifty-second skill (assuming read left to right) in the language tree for Hebrew. It has six lessons and teaches how to form the passive in Hebrew using one of three passive patterns: the adjectival pattern pa'ul, and the binyanim pu'al and huf'al. The final passive binyan, nif'al, is taught in its own skill.

Grammar Notes[]

There are three passive binyanim. In this skill, we tackle pu'al and huf'al, as well as the adjectival form of nif'al, pa'ul.


These ones come from the pa'al verbs of Present 1, but can only be used as adjectives. True passives use nif'al instead.

The formation of pa'ul uses the three-letter stem of the pa'al verb, but changes the vowels:

Masculine Feminine
Singular XוXX (XaXuX) הXוXX (XXuXa)
Plural יםXוXX (XXuXim) ותXוXX (XXuXot)


The pu'al verbs are similar to the pi'el verbs, as they all begin with me-, but again, the vowels are different:

Masculine Feminine
Singular XXוXמ (meXuXaX) תXXוXמ (meXuXeXet)
Plural יםXXוXמ (meXuXaXim) ותXXוXמ (meXuXaXot)


The huf'al binyan is related to the hif'il verbs, but again has the vowels slightly different:

Masculine Feminine
Singular XXXמו (muXXaX) תXXXמו (muXXeXet)
Plural יםXXXמו (muXXaXim) ותXXXמו (muXXaXot)


Lesson 1[]

  • רצוי = wanted, desired
  • אהוב = loved, liked
  • כתוב = written
  • אכול = eaten
  • קשור = related
  • שבור = broken
  • עשוי = made

Lesson 2[]

  • צפוי = expected
  • חתוך = sliced, cut
  • שמור = saved
  • קנוי = bought
  • זכור = remembered
  • ידוע = known
  • נגוע = infected

Lesson 3[]

  • מבושל = cooked
  • מבוזבז = wasted
  • משונה = weird, strange
  • מעורבב = mixed
  • מנוסה = experienced

Lesson 4[]

  • מסוים = certain
  • מסודר = neat, clean
  • משותף = common
  • משוכנע = convinced
  • מקובל = standard
  • ממולא = filled

Lesson 5[]

  • מוצלח = successful
  • מוחלף = replaced
  • מורכב = complex, complicated
  • מובן = understandable
  • מוזמן = invited, welcome
  • מופרע = disturbed

Lesson 6[]

  • מודאג = worried
  • מותאם = fitted
  • מוגבל = limited, restricted
  • מושפע = influenced
  • מוחלט = complete
  • מוסבר = explained


Duolingo Lesson: www.duolingo.com/skill/he/Passive%3A-Paul-Pual-Hufal
