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Numbers 2 is the thirty-eighth skill (assuming read left to right) in the language tree for Hebrew. It has six lessons and teaches numbers past twenty, percentages, averages, and mathematics in Hebrew.

Grammar Notes[]

See the note here on Duolingo for a more detailed explanation of the irregularities in the Hebrew number system.

Numbers as Adjectives[]

When numbers are applied to nouns, e.g. "three bananas", the number functions like an adjective but is not a true adjective so it is placed in front of the noun. Hence "three bananas" = "שלוש בננות"

However the number has a gender and has to agree with the gender of the noun. In contrast to regular nouns and adjectives, the male gendered number ends with ת and so "looks" like a female gender word.

For definite nouns, the number is applied before the noun and the definite article is applied to the noun itself like in a construct form.


  • masculine nouns
    • שלושת כלבים - five dogs
    • שלושת הכלבים - the five dogs
  • feminine nouns
    • שלוש נשים - three women
    • שלוש הנשים - the three women

The poster in the Duolingo note says to think of it as achieving "balance" - ת pair with a word that doesn't end with ת and vice versa.

Numbers Past Twenty[]

For numbers beyond twenty, the number is said "(tens) and-(ones)":

  • שלושים וחמש = "thirty and-five" = thirty-five

Also, all numbers beyond twenty match the gender of the "ones", as the "tens" are neutral.

Singular but Plural[]

When using numbers beyond 11 along with distances, currency, times, percents, and the word איש, the singular noun is used instead of the plural noun. Technically all words should be like this according to formal grammar rules, but in practice only these categories are.


Lesson 1[]

  • (שלוש(ת = the three
  • (חמש(ת = the five
  • (שבע(ת = the seven

Lesson 2[]

  • ראשון = first
  • שני = second
  • שלישי = third
  • רביעי = fourth
  • שלושים = thirty
  • ארבעים = forty
  • חמישים = fifty

Lesson 3[]

  • שישים = sixty
  • שבעים = seventy
  • שמונים = eighty
  • תשעים = ninety
  • שנות השבעים = the 70's
  • כמות = amount

Lesson 4[]

  • מאה = one hundred
  • מאתיים = two hundred
  • מאות ... = ... hundred
  • אלף = one thousand
  • אלפיים = two thousand
  • אלפים ... = ... thousand
  • מיליון = million

Lesson 5[]

  • מיליארד = billion
  • ממוצע = average
  • אחוז = percent
  • ברובו = mostly
  • בסך הכל = in total
  • -רוב = most of
  • חצי = half

Lesson 6[]

  • ועוד = add, plus
  • כפול = multiply
  • פחות = subtract
  • חלקי = divide
  • שווה = equals
  • אחרון = last
  • מינוס = minus


Duolingo Lesson: www.duolingo.com/skill/he/Numbers-2
