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Letters 1 is the first skill in the Hebrew language tree. It has six lessons and teaches twelve of the letters in the Hebrew alphabet, as well as beginner sentence structure and verb conjugation.

Alphabet Letters Taught[]

Hebrew has no written vowels generally. You can use nikkud to indicate this in your own notes if you like, but Duolingo does not accept them as a rule and, in any case, most Hebrew speakers don't use them either.

  • Aleph (א): consonant called glottal stop, in English transliteration indicated as an apostrophe before a vowel (באה - ba'a -comes, is coming (fem)); sometimes a pure vowel holder (without a stop); sometimes silent.
  • Bet (ב): "b" or "v"
  • Hey (ה): "h"
  • Vav (ו): "v" but can also indicate "o" or "u"
  • Chet (ח): "ch" [pronounced like the German "ich"]
  • Yod (י): "y"
  • Lamed (ל): "l"
  • Mem (מ or ם): "m"
  • Nun (נ or ן): "n"
  • Tav (ת): "t"

Grammar Notes[]

Note: Hebrew is written right to left - in other words, the opposite direction of this sentence.


Hebrew has no word for "a/an" but it does have a particle (or part of a word) that means "the" using the letter "ה" at the beginning of the word. This is pronounced "ha":

  • יונה (pigeon) --> היונה (the pigeon)


If you want to indicate the word "and", you add the letter "ו" at the front of the word. It is pronounced "veh". If you're also using "ה", then add it after the "ו":

  • אמא (mom) --> ואמא (and mom)

Verb Conjugation[]

Verbs in Hebrew are conjugated according to number and person (I, you, they, etc.) like in English, but they also follow the gender of the person. That means there is a difference between "she comes" and "he comes" in Hebrew. In addition, person is ignored in the present tense, so the only verb forms in this skill are between "masculine singular" and "feminine singular". Later skills will add other verb forms for the plural and other verb tenses.


Adjectives will follow the noun they modify in Hebrew:

  • לחם (bread) <-- לחם חם (hot bread)


Lesson 1[]

  • בא (ba) = comes, is coming (masc. sing.)
  • באה (ba-a) = comes, is coming (fem. sing.)
  • אבא (a-ba) = father, dad
  • האבא (ha-a-ba) = the father, the dad
  • אהבה (a-ha-va) = love

Lesson 2[]

  • אמא (e-ma) = mother
  • האמא (h-e-ma) = the mother
  • האם (ha-im) = "question word"

Lesson 3[]

  • ואמא = and mother
  • או (o) = or
  • הוא = he
  • אוהב = love(s) (masc.)
  • ואבא = and father

Lesson 4[]

  • אוהבת = love(s) (fem.)
  • אתה = you (masc. sing.)
  • את = you (fem. sing.)
  • מים = water (plural)
  • היא = she

Lesson 5[]

  • אני = I
  • יין = wine
  • היונה = the dove, the pigeon
  • יונה = dove, pigeon
  • ואני = and I

Lesson 6[]

  • חלב = milk
  • וחלב = and milk
  • החלב = the milk
  • לחם = bread
  • ולחם = and bread
  • חם = hot
  • לא = not


Duolingo Lesson: www.duolingo.com/skill/he/Letters-1
