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Israel is the eighty-fourth and final skill of the language tree for Hebrew. It has four lessons that teach a variety of places, foods and cultural things relating to Israel, perfect for those wanting to explore the country with their knowledge of Hebrew!


Lesson 1[]

  • מטקות = matkot (f.pl.) (matkot)
  • קיבוץ = kibbutz (m) (kibutz)
  • עולים = olim (m.pl.) (olim)
  • עלייה = Aliyah (f) (aliya)
  • אולפן = Ulpan (m) (ulpan)
  • צבר = sabra (m) (tsabar)

Lesson 2[]

  • פלאפל = falafel (m) (falafel)
  • פיתה = pita (f) (pita)
  • מזרחית = Mizrahit (f) (mizrakhit)
  • בלאגן = mess, chaos (m) (balagan)
  • חומוס = hummus (m) (khumus)
  • על האש = Al Ha'esh (al ha'esh)
  • יום העצמאות = Independence Day (m) (yom haatsma'ut)

Lesson 3[]

  • הים האדום = the Red Sea (m) (hayam haadom)
  • חיפה = Haifa (f) (khaifa)
  • כנרת = the Sea of Galilee (f) (kineret)
  • ים המלח = the Dead Sea (m) (yam hamelakh)
  • חופשה = vacation (f) (khufsha)
  • אילת = Eilat (f) (eylat)
  • נגב = Negev (m) (negev)
  • מצדה = Masada (f) (matsada)

Lesson 4[]

  • במבה = bamba (f) (bamba)
  • טבריה = Tiberias (f) (tveriya)
  • שקשוקה = shakshouka (f) (shakshuka)
  • עגבנית שרי = cherry tomato (f) (agvaniyat sheri)
  • קיסריה = Caesaria (f) (keiseria)
  • ביסלי = bissli (m) (bisli)


Duolingo Lesson: www.duolingo.com/skill/he/Welcome-To-Israel
