Imperative 1 is the forty-eighth skill (assuming read left to right) in the Hebrew language tree. It teaches the command form of Hebrew and contains nine lessons.
Grammar Notes[]
The imperative tense in Hebrew has three forms; one for masculine singular, one for feminine singular, and one for both genders in the plural (there used to be two separate ones, but this distinction is very rare).
Like other tenses, the main three consonants of the verb are kept the same but the vowels change:
Pa'al verbs (1-3) | Pi'el verbs (4-5) | Hif'il verbs (6-7) | Hitpa'el verbs (8-9) | |
Masculine Singular | XוXX/XXX (pronounced X(e)XoX or X(e)XaX) | XXX (pronounced XaXeX) | XXXה (pronounced haXXeX) | XXXהת (pronounced hitXaXeX) |
Feminine Singular | יXXX (pronounced XiXXi) | יXXX (pronounced XaXXi) | יXיXXה (pronounced haXXiXi) | יXXXהת (pronounced hitXaXXi) |
Plural | וXXX (pronounced XiXXu) | וXXX (pronounced XaXXu) | וXיXXה (pronounced haXXiXu) | וXXXהת (pronounced hitXaXXu) |
Lesson 1[]
- עזור = help
- עשה = do
- לך = go
- תן = give
- רוץ = run
- בוא = come
- שמור = keep
Lesson 2[]
- קח = take
- טוס = fly
- שים = put, place
- עצור = stop
- דוע = know
- פתוח = open
- קנה = buy
Lesson 3[]
- שבה = sit
- צפה = watch
- שתה = drink
- צא = get out
- שכוח = forget
- שלוח = send
Lesson 4[]
- תקן = fix
- סמן = mark
- חפש = search for
- דבר = speak
- נסה = try
- קבל = accept
- באהבה = with love
Lesson 5[]
- רחם = pity
- ברך = bless
- ערבב = mix
- למד = teach
- סַיים = finish
- חקה = wait
- צלם = photograph
Lesson 6[]
- האמן = believe
- הרגש = feel
- התחל = start
- הקשב = listen
- הראה = show
- החזר = bring back
Lesson 7[]
- הוסף = add
- החלף = switch
- החלט = decide
- הזמן = invite
- הצג = present
- הזכר = remind
Lesson 8[]
- התחבא = hide
- הסתכל = look
- התחבר = connect
- התקרב = come closer
- הצתרף = join
- התקלח = shower
Lesson 9[]
- התעלם = ignore
- התפלל = pray
- הייה = be (m.s.)
- היי = be (f.s.)
- הייו = be (pl.)
- השתמש = use
- התכונן = get ready
- הסתפר = cut your hair
Duolingo Lesson: