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Food 1 is the eighth skill (assuming read left to right) in the language tree for Hebrew. It has a total of six lessons that teach various foods and drinks.

Grammar Notes[]

The Accusative Case[]

Hebrew has a system of cases that indicate which noun is the subject and which ones are not (and what they are exactly; indirect or direct objects, objects of prepositions, etc.). In this skill, you are introduced to the accusative case.

This case denotes direct objects, which are objects that are receiving the action denoted by the verb. In the sentence below, the direct object is highlighted:

  • The man is eating an apple.
  • One can ask: What is the man eating? An apple.

Hebrew adds an additional word in front of (before) a definite direct object: את (pronounced "et"). את is not used before an indefinite direct object or an indirect object. In the sentence below, the definite direct object is highlighted:

  • The man is eating the apple.

The definiteness of a noun is usually marked by the definite article -ה. However, it can also be indicated by a proper noun:

  • The man likes Israel.


Lesson 1[]

  • צלחת = plate
  • דג = fish
  • קפה = coffee
  • ביצה = egg
  • תפוח = apple
  • תפוז = orange

Lesson 2[]

  • ארוחת צהריים = lunch
  • ארוחת בוקר = breakfast
  • פרי = fruit
  • פסטה = pasta
  • סוכר = sugar

Lesson 3[]

  • בירה = beer
  • יין = wine
  • תות = strawberry
  • גבינה = cheese
  • בשר = meat
  • עגבניה = tomato
  • מרק = soup

Lesson 4[]

  • שמן = oil
  • לימון = lemon
  • בננה = banana
  • ארוחת ערב = dinner

Lesson 5[]

  • כריך = sandwich
  • מלח = salt
  • רעב = hungry
  • בקר = beef
  • בקבוק = bottle
  • סלט = salad

Lesson 6[]

  • חמאה = butter
  • פטרייה = mushroom
  • פיצה = pizza
  • אננס = pineapple
  • שוקולד = chocolate
  • זית = olive


Duolingo Lesson: www.duolingo.com/skill/he/Food-1
