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Festivals is the eighty-third skill in the language tree for Hebrew. It has four lessons that teach vocabulary related to a variety of Jewish festivals and traditions. Feel free to look up the festivals themselves if you want to know more about them; some of the sentences in this skill give some basic information about them as well.


Lesson 1[]

  • מצה = matza (unleavened bread) (f)
  • שבועות = Shavuot (m)
  • חג = holiday (m) (khag)
  • ליל הסדר = Passover Seder (m) (leil haseder)
  • לחגוג = to celebrate (lakhgog)
  • יציאת מצרים = Exodus (f) (yetsiat mitsrayim)
  • פסח = Passover (m) (pesach)

Lesson 2[]

  • שמחת תורה = Simchat Torah (f)
  • ראש השנה = Rosh Hashanah (m)
  • הימים הנוראים = the High Holy Days (m pl) (hayamim hanora'im)
  • יום כיפור = Yom Kippur (m)
  • סוכות = Sukkot (m)
  • סוכה = sukka (the tents where Sukkot is celebrated) (f)
  • תשעה באב = Tisha Be'Av
  • צום = fast (m) (tsom)

Lesson 3[]

  • משלוח מנות = mishloach manot (Purim gift basket) (m)
  • סביבון = dreidel (m) (svivon)
  • חנוכה = Chanukah (m)
  • חנוכייה = Chanukiyah (the special menorah lit during Chanukah) (f)
  • פורים = Purim (m)
  • אוזן המן = hamantaschen (triangle pastry served on Purim) (f) (ozen haman)
  • סופגניה = sufganiya (round doughnuts served during Chanukah) (f)

Lesson 4[]

  • ט׳׳ו בשבט = Tu Bishvat


Duolingo Lesson: www.duolingo.com/skill/he/Jewish-Festivals
