Family is the thirtieth skill in the Hebrew language tree (assuming read left to right). It has five lessons and introduces family vocabulary.
Lesson 1[]
- אח = brother
- אחות = sister
- בן = son
- בת = daughter
Lesson 2[]
- בעל = husband
- אישה = wife
- שֵם = name
- שֵם פרטי = first name
- שֵם משפחה = last name
- משפחה = family
- הורה = parent
Lesson 3[]
- סבא = grandfather
- סבתא = grandmother
- נכד = grandson
- נכדה = grandaughter
- חתונה = wedding
- נישואין = marriage
Lesson 4[]
- חתן = groom
- דוֹדה = aunt
- דוֹד = uncle
- בן דוֹד = (male) cousin
- בת דוֹדה = (female) cousin
- כלה = bride
Lesson 5[]
- אחיין = nephew
- אחיינית = niece
- תינוק = baby
- חיים = life (plural)
- בן/בת זוג = spouse, partner
Duolingo Lesson: