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Direct Object is the thirteenth (assuming read left to right) skill in the language tree for Hebrew. It has two lessons and teaches how to use direct object pronouns in Hebrew.

Grammar Notes[]

The direct object has already been discussed, as it is tied to the preposition את. Just like other prepositions in Hebrew, you can place a pronoun after it in order to have it mean "me" or "them":

English Hebrew
Me אותי
You (sing. masc.) אותךָ
You (sing. fem.) אותךְ
Him אותו
Her אותה
Us אותנו
You (pl. masc.) אתכם
You (pl. fem.) אתכן
Them (masculine) אותם
Them (feminine) אותן


Duolingo Lesson: www.duolingo.com/skill/he/Direct-object
