Determiners is the twenty-first skill in the language tree for Hebrew. It has five lessons and teaches determiners, which are words like "this", "those" and "everything".
Grammar Notes[]
Hebrew does not differentiate between "this" and "that" or "these" and "those", so the same word is used for both. There are two words for "these", with אלה being a little more informal than אלו.
For these words, they are treated like adjectives and are placed after the noun.
כל mean both "every" when it is followed by a noun without a definite article and "all" when the following noun has a definite article attached:
- כל יום = every day
- כל הלילה = all night
The Same[]
There are four words for the same that are different depending on gender and number, but what they all have in common is that they are placed before the noun (but after prepositions) and the following noun has to have a definite article.
Double Negatives[]
Hebrew, like many languages, uses double negatives ("I didn't do nothing"). This means that expressions that contain "nothing", "no one", etc. also need to have לא in them
Impersonal Plural[]
If you want to express that "one should do this" or "this is done here" then conjugate the verb for the masculine plural and leave out the subject:
- אוכלים תפוחים = apples are eaten/one eats apples
Lesson 1[]
- הזה = this/that (masc.)
- האלו = these/those
- כולן = all of them
- האלה = these/those
- הזאת = this/that (fem.)
- אלה = these are
- כל = all/every
Lesson 2[]
- כזה = like this/that
- אלו = these are
- כולם = everybody
- שום = any
- שום דבר = nothing
- מלבד = except for
Lesson 3[]
- אחר = other, else
- משהו = something
- כלום = nothing
- שני = both (masc.)
- שתי = both (fem.)
- מישהו = someone
Lesson 4[]
- דבר = thing
- אף אחד = no one
- הכל = everything
- אותו = same (sing. masc.)
- אותה = same (sing. fem.)
- אותם = same (pl. masc.)
- אותן = same (pl. fem.)
- מספר = a few
Lesson 5[]
- ככה = like this
Duolingo Lesson: