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Conjunctions is the twenty-third skill in the Hebrew language tree. It has six lessons that teach various words that can connect two or more ideas together.

Grammar Notes[]


ש is a conjunction that means "that". But it is used with a lot of other conjunctions too, especially if those conjunctions are re-purposed question words. See "Lessons" below for specific examples of this.

Because of you[]

בגלל must be followed by a definite article, but it can also be conjugated like the prepositions we've seen previously.


Lesson 1[]

  • -ש = that
  • אם = if
  • אבל = but
  • כי = because
  • עדיין = still

Lesson 2[]

  • -בזמן ש = while
  • -מתי ש = when
  • גם = too
  • -אף על פי ש = even though
  • -בגלל = because of

Lesson 3[]

  • רק = only
  • אז = so/then
  • כבר = already
  • למרות = despite

Lesson 4[]

  • לכן = so/therefore
  • -חוץ מ = except for (in some instances translated as 'but')
  • -כש = when
  • -אחרי ש = after

Lesson 5[]

  • אך = but
  • -לפני ש = before
  • אפילו = even
  • אלא אם כן = unless
  • אלא = but/rather

Lesson 6[]

  • -מה ש = what
  • -לאן ש = where
  • -איפה ש = where
  • -מי ש = who


Duolingo Lesson: www.duolingo.com/skill/he/Conjunctions
