Clothing is the fifteenth skill (assuming read left to right) in the language tree for Hebrew. It has five lessons and teaches various words for types of clothing.
Spelling Notes[]
A few words in this skill are foreign words which have sounds that are not natural to Hebrew. Some of these sounds are indicated in Hebrew with an apostrophe:
Hebrew | English example of sound | Hebrew | English example of sound |
'ג | jeans | 'ד | then |
'ז | baggage | וו | water |
'צ | change | 'ת | thing |
Lesson 1[]
- לובש = wear (clothes) (masc.)
- חולצה = shirt
- נעל = shoe
- חצאית = skirt
- מעיל = coat
- שמלה = dress
- נועל = wears (shoes) (masc.)
Lesson 2[]
- מכנסיים = pants (pl.)
- חליפה = suit
- כובע = hat
- חגורה = belt
- חובש = wears (hats) (masc.)
- בגדים = clothing (pl.)
Lesson 3[]
- משקפיים = glasses
- משקפי שמש = sunglasses
- כפפה = glove
- טבעת = ring
- עונד = wears (jewelry) (masc.)
- שרשרת = necklace
- שם = put on
- מרכיב = wears (glasses) (masc.)
Lesson 4[]
- גרב = sock
- גורב = wears (socks) (masc.)
- תכשיט = jewelry
- ג'ינס = jeans
- בגדיים = swimwear
- תחפושת = costume, disguise
- עניבה = tie
Lesson 5[]
- ז'קט = jacket
- סוודר = sweater
- צמיד = bracelet
- צעיף = scarf
- כיס = pocket
Duolingo Lesson: