Animals is the ninth skill (assuming read left to right) in the language tree for Hebrew. It has four lessons and teaches various birds, mammals, and reptiles.
Grammar Notes[]
Many Hebrew animals can be show to be either masculine or feminine according to their ending: feminine animals often end in ה or ת.
Lesson 1[]
- חתול = cat
- כלב = dog
- סוס = horse
- ציפור = bird
- פיל = elephant
- ברווז = duck
- צב = turtle
- חמור = donkey
Lesson 2[]
- סרטן = crab
- עכביש = spider
- חיה = animal
- דוב = bear
- עכבר = mouse
- גמל = camel
- אריה = lion
- נשר = eagle, vulture
Lesson 3[]
- חיות = animals
- זבוב = fly
- חרק = insect
- ארנב = hare
- נובח = barks
- נחש = snake
- קוף = monkey
Lesson 4[]
- זנב = tail
- דבורה = bee
- חיית מחמד = pet
- ינשוף = owl
- פרה = cow
- תרנגול = rooster
- תרנגולת = hen
- חזיר = pig
Duolingo Lesson: