Adverbs is the twenty-ninth skill in the language tree for Hebrew (assuming read left to right). It has nine lessons and teaches a large selection of adverbs to bolster your vocabulary.
Grammar Notes[]
You can make an adverb out of an adjective by preceding the adjective with באופן.
Lesson 1[]
- שם = there
- פעם = once, time (as in an occurrence of something, like "three times")
- מאוד = very
- עוד = still, yet
- -כ = as
- כמו = like
Lesson 2[]
- כאן = here
- די = quite
- אך ורק = only, exclusively
- בכל זאת = anyway
- פעם בכמה זמן = once in a while
Lesson 3[]
- שוב = again
- לעתים רחוקות = rarely
- ממש = really
- מפה = from here
- לפעמים = sometimes
- באמת = really, truly
Lesson 4[]
- לבד = alone
- לפחות = at least
- בכל אופן = in any case
- אחרת = otherwise, differently
- בעיקר = mainly
- הרחק = far away
- כמו תמיד = as always
Lesson 5[]
- כרגע = right now
- אחר כך = afterwards
- בינתיים = in the meantime
- בדרך כלל = usually
- בקרוב = soon
- במשך = during
- מספיק = enough
Lesson 6[]
- בהכרח = necessarily
- מאוחר = late
- סוף סוף = finally
- כמעט = almost
- במיוחד = especially
- דרך = through
Lesson 7[]
- בערך = approximately
- בקלות = easily
- בקושי = barely
- לגמרי = completely
- בדיוק = exactly
- ברור = clearly
Lesson 8[]
- מיד = immediately
- לאו דווקא = not necessarily
- בכל מקום = everywhere
- באופן כללי = generally
- סביר להניח = presumably
Lesson 9[]
- מהר = quickly
- ביחד = together
- באופן עצמאי = independently
- לאט = slowly
- לאחרונה = recently, lately
- כל כך = so, so much
- בהחלט = definitely
- באופן שגוי = incorrectly
Duolingo Lesson: