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Weekend is the fifty-fourth skill in the language tree for German. It teaches the present perfect tense (another past tense) while discussing some fun weekend activities, and it has five lessons.

Grammar Notes[]

The present perfect tense is the most common past tense in German. Most people use it for all verbs except a handful - like sein, haben and können which we've learned in the simple past already.

To make it, you conjugate the present tense of haben or sein and add a past participle at the end of the sentence. All of the present perfect in this skill uses haben; we'll see ones with sein later. All regular past participles - and all of the past participles in this skill are regular! - are the stem (non -(e)n part) plus ge- at the beginning and -(e)t at the end:

  • Ich spiele mit meiner Katze -> Ich habe mit meiner Katze gespielt. (ge-spiel-t)
  • Tanzen sie im Supermarkt? -> Haben sie im Supermarkt getanzt? (ge-tanz-t)


Lesson 1[]

  • ziemlich = quite, fairly
  • die Beine = legs
  • wehtun = to hurt
  • die Wiese = field
  • der Sportverein = sport club
  • waren = were
  • gespielt = played

Lesson 2[]

  • die Burger = burgers
  • die Zwiebeln = onions
  • die Pilze = mushrooms
  • gegrillt = grilled
  • der Grill = grill
  • am Samstagabend = on Saturday evening
  • der Vegetarier = vegetarian (m.)
  • die Vegetarierin = vegetarian (f.)

Lesson 3[]

  • ganz = totally
  • Spaß haben = to have fun
  • sagen = to say
  • hatten = had
  • tanzen = to dance
  • getanzt = danced
  • das Fest = festival

Lesson 4[]

  • die Rollschuhe = roller skates
  • der Flohmarkt = flea market
  • der Bierkrug = beer glass
  • der Mantel = coat
  • voll = full, crowded
  • kaufen = to buy
  • gekauft = bought
  • kosten = to cost
  • gekostet = cost

Lesson 5[]

  • die Schürze = apron
  • der Gurkensalat = cucumber salad
  • der Kartoffelsalat = potato salad
  • bei = at (someone's) place
  • kochen = to cook
  • gekocht = cooked
  • gemacht = made/done


Duolingo Lesson: www.duolingo.com/skill/de/Weekend
