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Weather is the twelfth skill in the language tree for the German course. It has five lessons and teaches some weather-related vocabulary and expressions.

Grammar Notes[]

Wie bitte?[]

In many cases where in English we use "what", German tends to use wie instead of was.

  • Wie heißen Sie? = What is your name?
  • Wie ist das Wetter? = What's the weather?

Word Order[]

In an earlier skill, we saw that word order in German is a little more fluid than in English. As long as the verb is in the second position, everything else can move around somewhat freely:

  • Heute ist es neblig. = Es ist heute neblig. = Es ist neblig heute. = It's foggy today.


Lesson 1[]

  • das Wetter = weather
  • bewölkt = cloudy
  • es = it
  • sonnig = sunny

Lesson 2[]

  • der Regenschirm = umbrella
  • schlecht = bad
  • der Herbst = fall, autumn
  • kalt = cold
  • windig = windy
  • es regnet = it rains, it's raining

Lesson 3[]

  • der Winter = winter
  • das Schal = scarf
  • stark = strong, hard
  • es schneit = it snows, it's snowing
  • jetzt = now

Lesson 4[]

  • neblig = foggy
  • die Wasserflasche = water bottle
  • Sie wandern = you hike
  • du wanderst = you hike
  • heiß = hot
  • der Frühling = spring

Lesson 5[]

  • ich wandere = I hike
  • wandert = hikes
  • die Sonnencreme = sunscreen
  • der Sommer = summer
  • warm = warm


Duolingo Lesson: www.duolingo.com/skill/de/Weather
