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Vacation is the fifty-sixth skill in the language tree for German. It has five lessons and teaches some vocabulary relating to travel as well as some common verbs with irregular past tenses.

Grammar Notes[]

It's all in the past[]

As we began to learn in Weekend, the present perfect tense in German usually is made from haben and a past participle beginning with ge- and ending in -t:

  • Ich habe mit meiner Katze gespielt. = I (have) played with my cat (ge-spiel-t)

In this skill, many of the verbs have irregular past participles and many of them use sein instead!

  • Ich habe gestern nicht geschlafen. = I didn't sleep yesterday.
  • Wir sind über die Alpen geflogen. = We flew over the Alps. (the present tense verb is fliegen)

As a general rule, the present perfect (and other perfect tenses) will use sein if the verb is a verb of motion (going, walking, flying, running) or a verb of change of state (becoming, being, changing). Otherwise, it will be haben.


Lesson 1[]

  • großartig = fabulous
  • der Urlaub = vacation
  • vor = ago, before
  • die Schweiz = Switzerland
  • die Alpen = the Alps
  • die Fotos = photos

Lesson 2[]

  • am höchsten = highest
  • höher = higher
  • der Everest Mount Everest
  • der Fuji = Mount Fuji
  • die Berge = mountains
  • der Fuß = foot
  • fünfzehntausend = fifteen thousand
  • zwölftausendfünfhundert = twelve thousand five hundred
  • eintausend = one thousand

Lesson 3[]

  • gegangen = gone
  • gefahren = driven
  • das Boot = boat
  • der See = lake
  • Genf = Geneva
  • der Genfer See = Lake Geneva
  • euren = your

Lesson 4[]

  • gewandert = hiked
  • geschwommen = swum
  • die Natur = nature
  • das Wetter = weather
  • das Grad Celsius = degree(s) Celsius
  • die Temperaturen = temperatures

Lesson 5[]

  • geflogen = flown
  • geschlafen = slept
  • niemand = no one, nobody
  • durch = through
  • am nächsten Tag = the next day
  • der Mietwagen = rental car
  • fliegen = to fly
  • das Flugzeug = airplane


Duolingo Lesson: www.duolingo.com/skill/de/Vacation
