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Transport is the twenty-first skill in the language tree for German. It has five lessons and teaches how to describe directions and plan trips by foot and by car.

Grammar Notes[]

Please Read This[]

When giving an order to someone in the Sie form in German, simply use the Sie form of the verb followed by Sie:

  • Bitte gehen Sie geradeaus. = Please go straight.
  • Fahren Sie bis zum Hotel. = Drive to the hotel.


Lesson 1[]

  • das Kunstmuseum = art museum
  • das Stadtmuseum = city museum
  • das Stadtzentrum = city center
  • der Fluss = river
  • besuchen = to visit
  • der Zoo = zoo

Lesson 2[]

  • Gehen Sie = go
  • geradeaus = straight (forward)
  • circa = approximately
  • fünfzehn = fifteen

Lesson 3[]

  • die Bushaltestelle = bus stop
  • Fahren Sie = drive (or any travel by vehicle)
  • der Bus = bus
  • die Nummer = number
  • elf = eleven
  • zwölf = twelve

Lesson 4[]

  • zu Fuß = by foot
  • dreizehn = thirteen
  • vierzehn = fourteen
  • Warten Sie = wait
  • dauert = lasts
  • wie lange = how long
  • die Taxifahrt = taxi ride

Lesson 5[]

  • Wiederholen Sie = repeat
  • die Adresse = address
  • alles Gute = take care
  • bis zum = to (more literally "up until")
  • die Straße = street


Duolingo Lesson: www.duolingo.com/skill/de/Transport
