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Plans 3 is the forty-third skill in the German language tree. It has five lessons and reviews words and grammar around timing and attending cultural events.

Grammar Notes[]

Uhr, Uhr, Uhr[]

The word Uhr in German has a lot of uses:

  • When asking the time of day, the phrase is Wie viel Uhr ist es?
  • When saying the time of day, it's X Uhr (the equivalent of "o'clock")
  • die Uhr = clock
  • die Uhrzeit = time of day


Lesson 1[]

  • siebzig = 70
  • das Konzert = concert
  • das Lieblingsteam = favorite team
  • die Lieblingsband = favorite band
  • mitkommen = to come along
  • das Spiel = game

Lesson 2[]

  • das Basketballspiel = basketball game
  • das Fußballspiel = soccer game
  • ausverkauft = sold out
  • gerade = right now
  • ich glaube = I believe
  • er/sie/es glaubt = he/she/it believes

Lesson 3[]

  • das Stadion = stadium
  • die U-Bahn = subway
  • wir sehen uns = we are seeing each other
  • wir treffen uns = we are meeting each other
  • anfangen = to start
  • er/sie/es fängt an = he/she/it starts
  • um ... Uhr = at ... o'clock

Lesson 4[]

  • die Spiele = games
  • aufhören = to stop
  • er/sie/es hört auf = he/she/it stops
  • jedes = every
  • wichtig = important
  • der Handball = handball

Lesson 5[]

  • die Musik = music
  • klassische Musik = classical music
  • die Reise = trip
  • die Oper = opera
  • von = of, from
  • der Anzug = suit
  • kosten = to cost


Duolingo Lesson: www.duolingo.com/skill/de/Plans-3
