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Plans 2 is the thirty-second skill in the German language tree, with a total of five lessons. The focus of this skill is deciding where to go and when to go there, whether it's a night out at the Kino or a visit with relatives.

Grammar Notes[]


When you're asking someone where they're going in German, you'll want to use wohin (instead of wo, which is just for asking where something is currently located). The archaic word "whither" in English works the same way, if you happen to know it.

  • Wo gehst du? = (roughly) Where are you walking around? (and probably not what you mean!)
  • Wohin gehst du? = Where are you going (to)?

Every thing! Which thing? This thing![]

Note that jeder, welcher and dieser act like der and so will change due to gender (masculine/feminine/neuter) and case (nominative/accusative for the moment, although there's two more that we haven't addressed yet):

  • Welchen Film wollen Sie sehen? = Which film do you want to see? (because the answer would be something in the accusative and Film is msaculine)
  • Ich besuche sie jedes Wochenende. = I visit her every weekend. (Wochenende is neuter and in the accusative)
  • Diese Frau will ins Geschäft (gehen). = This woman wants to go into the store. (Frau is feminine and in the nominative)


Lesson 1[]

  • schließen to close
  • der Biergarten = beer garden
  • wohin = where to (see above)
  • das Wochenende = weekend
  • Freitag = Friday

Lesson 2[]

  • ich/er/sie/es mag = I/he/she/it likes
  • der Ausweis = identification (card)
  • der Film = movie
  • der Horrorfilm = horror film
  • finden = find
  • können wir? = may we?

Lesson 3[]

  • langweilig = boring
  • die Stunde = hour (duration)
  • die Stunden = hours (duration)
  • kurz = short
  • cool = cool
  • endet = ends
  • beginnt = begins
  • nach = after

Lesson 4[]

  • geschlossen = closed
  • das Geschäft = store
  • die Geschäfte = stores
  • genau = exactly
  • die Getränke = drinks
  • der Feiertag = holiday
  • die Hausaufgaben = homework
  • die Familie = family
  • grillen = grill

Lesson 5[]

  • besuchen = visit
  • Februar = February
  • nächsten = next
  • August = August
  • die Verwandte = relatives
  • vielleicht = maybe
  • das Jahr = year


Duolingo Lesson: www.duolingo.com/skill/de/Plans-2
