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Plans is the sixteenth skill in the language tree for German. It has five lessons and teaches some places you might plan to go to and how to talk about the future.

Grammar Notes[]


German, like English, doesn't always require the future tense as long as there is an indicator that the action will happen in the future.

  • Heute Nachmittag gehe ich zum Schwimmbad. = I'm going to the pool this afternoon.

Let's Go[]

When saying that you are going somewhere to do something, the second verb will go to the end of the sentence:

  • Möchtest du zum Schwimmbad gehen? = Would you like to go to the swimming pool?

Keine Ahnung![]

Kein changes depending on gender and case exactly like ein.

  • Ich habe kein Geld. = I don't have any money.
  • Hast du heute keine Zeit? = Do you not have any time today?


Lesson 1[]

  • das Schwimmbad = swimming pool
  • das Geld = money
  • ich möchte = I would like
  • du möchtest = you would like
  • gehen = to go
  • ins = to (from in + das)

Lesson 2[]

  • das geht = that works
  • geht = goes
  • die Zeit = time
  • ich kann = I can
  • ... gehen = to go do ...

Lesson 3[]

  • heute Abend = tonight
  • am = during (day of the week, period of time)
  • Sonntag = Sunday
  • Samstag = Saturday
  • das Konzert = concert
  • das Spiel = game

Lesson 4[]

  • Schade! = that's too bad
  • ich freue mich = I'm looking forward (to it)
  • um... = at ... (time)
  • heute Nachmittag = this afternoon
  • wann = when

Lesson 5[]

  • die Eintrittskarte = ticket
  • bis = until
  • von = from
  • geöffnet = open (of an establishment)


Duolingo Lesson: www.duolingo.com/skill/de/Plans
