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Places is the sixth skill in the language tree for German. It teaches a large number of place names and the verb kommen to ask someone where they're from in a series of four lessons.

Grammar Notes[]

Basic questions[]

In English, when you want to ask a "yes/no" style question, you add in the verb "to do" and a question mark.

  • You want to leave -> Do you want to leave?

But with the verb "to be", you simply switch the subject and the verb around:

  • You are from Canada -> Are you from Canada?

In German, it's simpler: all verbs simply switch with the subject like the second example:

  • Du kommst aus Deutschland -> Kommst du aus Deutschland?
  • Das Essen ist teuer -> Ist das Essen teuer?

The verb kommen[]

Kommen is a regular verb in German. German regular verbs all follow the same pattern when you use it with different subjects - this is called "conjugation". You remove the "-en" or "-n" from the end of the verb and change the ending to match the specific subject you're using it with:

  • du + kommen = du kommst
  • ich + kommen = ich komme

We'll learn more subjects to use verbs with in later skills.


Lesson 1[]

  • Amerika = America
  • Deutschland = Germany
  • Kanada = Canada
  • Berlin = Berlin
  • wunderbar = wonderful
  • klein = small
  • Paris = Paris
  • wie = how

Lesson 2[]

  • Österreich = Austria
  • Wien = Vienna
  • woher = where from
  • du kommst = you come
  • cool = cool
  • es = it
  • in = in

Lesson 3[]

  • München = Munich
  • die Stadt = city, town
  • ich komme = I come
  • aus = from
  • Hamburg = Hamburg
  • Frankreich = France

Lesson 4[]

  • Chicago = Chicago
  • laut = loud
  • New York = New York
  • teuer = expensive
  • aufregend = exciting
  • auch = also, too


Duolingo Lesson: www.duolingo.com/skill/de/Places
