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Opinions is the forty-seventh skill in the language tree for German on Duolingo. It teaches gerunds and comparative adjectives using vocabulary around expressing opinions, and it has five lessons.

Grammar Notes[]

Richtig oder Recht?[]

In German, the word richtig (which we learned many skills ago) is used to describe something as being correct:

  • Ist dein Hund klug? Ja, das ist richtig. = Is your dog smart? Yes, that is right.

But when people are right about something, you use the phrase recht haben:

  • Ist dein Hund klug? Ja, du hast recht. = Is your dog smart? Yes, you're right.

Note that you might see recht capitalized sometimes. This is correct but the Duden (the German language authority) prefers lower case.

Comparative adjectives[]

When you're saying someone is taller or more intelligent than some other thing, you're using what are called "comparative adjectives". In German, all comparative adjectives are just the adjective plus -er:

  • gefährlich ("dangerous") -> gefährlicher ("more dangerous")
  • lustig ("funny") -> lustiger ("funnier")

A few common comparatives will add in umlauts or drop excess e's:

  • teuer ("expensive") -> teurer ("more expensive")
  • stark ("strong") -> stärker ("stronger")

The equivalent to "than" in German is als and the noun that comes after will always be in the nominative case:

  • Der Mann ist nicht stärker als der Bär. = The man is not stronger than the bear.


These are verbs masquerading as nouns. In English, they end in -ing: reading, listening, watching, etc. In German, use the infinitive form and capitalize the first letter:

  • Lesen ist aufregender als Fernsehen. = Reading is more exciting than watching TV.

Note that all gerunds will be neuter gender (use das) and can also be compound nouns (like Fußballspielen for "playing soccer").


Lesson 1[]

  • die Gummibärchen = gummy bears
  • die Fahrräder = bicycles
  • die Autos = cars
  • besser = better
  • gesund = healthy
  • gesünder = healthier
  • zustimmen = to agree with (+dative)

Lesson 2[]

  • die Aktivitäten = activities
  • das Lesen = reading
  • das Kochen = cooking
  • das Schwimmen = swimming
  • einfach = easy
  • einfacher = easier
  • er/sie/es stimmt zu = he/she/it agrees with

Lesson 3[]

  • die Schwestern = sisters
  • die Brüder = brothers
  • nett = nice
  • netter = nicer
  • laut = loud
  • lauter = louder
  • lustig = funny
  • lustiger = funnier
  • er/sie/es hat recht = he/she/it is right
  • du spinnst = you are crazy

Lesson 4[]

  • die Töchter = daughters
  • die Söhne = sons
  • das Fahrradfahren = bike riding
  • das Fußballspielen = playing soccer
  • gefährlich = dangerous
  • gefährlicher = more dangerous
  • aufregend = exciting
  • aufregender = more exciting
  • das Fernsehen = watching TV

Lesson 5[]

  • beide = both
  • größer = bigger
  • stark = strong
  • stärker = stronger
  • klug = smart
  • klüger = smarter
  • meine beste Freundin = my best friend (f.)
  • mein bester Freund = my best friend (m.)


Duolingo Lesson: www.duolingo.com/skill/de/Opinions
