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New Job is the thirty-fourth skill in the German language tree. It teaches some words commonly heard during job interviews or when working in an office, and it teaches

Grammar Notes[]


When you're referring to people using ihr, the version of your to use is euer. It works just like other possessives we've seen so far, except that the e disappears whenever anything comes after the r:

  • Das ist euer Essen. = This is your food.
  • Wir holen eure Kinder ab. = We're picking up your kids. (not euere)

Making your work easier[]

With verbs stems - the part without the -en or -n - that end in t or d, add an extra e between the stem and the ending. This is just because words like findt and arbeitst are otherwise really hard to say!


Lesson 1[]

  • der Vorname = first name
  • der Lebenslauf = resume
  • die Handynummer = cell phone number
  • sein = to be
  • pünktlich = punctual
  • stressig = stressful
  • das Team = team
  • einen neuen Job = a new job

Lesson 2[]

  • die Frage = question
  • motiviert = motivated
  • die Hobbys = hobbies
  • der Führerschein = driver
  • samstags = on Saturdays
  • die E-Mail-Adresse = email address
  • der Nachname = last name

Lesson 3[]

  • euer = your (for ihr)
  • ich arbeite = I work
  • du arbeitest = you work
  • die Kollegin = colleague (f.)
  • der Kollege = colleague (m.)
  • die Chefin = boss (f.)
  • der Chef = boss (m.)
  • ich/er/sie/es will = I want / he/she/it wants
  • die Büros = offices

Lesson 4[]

  • lang = long
  • die Pause = break, pause
  • rauchen = to smoke
  • lesen = to read
  • in der = in (f.)

Lesson 5[]

  • essen = to eat
  • der Feierabend = end of the workday
  • endlich = finally
  • bald = soon
  • abholen = to pick up
  • gehen = to go
  • lass uns = let's


Duolingo Lesson: www.duolingo.com/skill/de/New-Job
