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Market is the eleventh skill in the language tree for German. It has five lessons and teaches some basic vocabulary for plurals and buying things.

Grammar Notes[]

Intro to Plurals[]

There are many endings that are used to pluralize things in German. For the handful in this lesson, they are all pluralized with -n.

  • Eine Kartoffel, zwei Kartoffeln.

Plural forms in German also use the word die like feminine nouns

Ein Euro, zwei...Euro?[]

Both Kilo and Euro do not need to be pluralized when they are preceded by a number:

  • Es kostet drei Euro.
  • Ich will gern vier Kilo Tomaten, bitte.


Lesson 1[]

  • eins = one
  • zwei = two
  • drei = three
  • der Marktplatz = marketplace
  • die Orange = orange
  • die Orangen = oranges

Lesson 2[]

  • null = zero
  • vier = four
  • der Dollar = dollar
  • das Euro = Euro
  • kostet = costs

Lesson 3[]

  • fünf = five
  • sechs = six
  • sieben = seven
  • wie viel = how much
  • wirklich = really

Lesson 4[]

  • acht = eight
  • neun = nine
  • die Tomate = tomato
  • die Tomaten = tomatoes
  • der Döner = döner kebab
  • das Kilo = kilo

Lesson 5[]

  • Vielen Dank = thank you very much
  • zehn = ten
  • die Erdbeere = strawberry
  • die Erdbeeren = strawberries
  • gern geschehen = you're welcome
  • die Kartoffel = potato
  • die Kartoffeln = potatoes


Duolingo Lesson: www.duolingo.com/skill/de/Market
