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Jobs is the seventh skill in the German language tree on Duolingo. The skill has four lessons and teaches a few common occupations and how to talk about your job in German.

Tips & Notes[]

Getting -in to it![]

Because German has grammatical gender, the words for most occupations will change depending on the gender of the person. Many masculine ones end in -er, for instance (Kellner, Schauspieler, Lehrer) while their feminine equivalents end in -erin (Kellnerin, Schauspielerin, Lehrerin). In fact, -in at the end of an occupation is always feminine!

Dropping out?[]

When you say what kind of person someone is (for example, their occupation, their nationality, their role), in English we say someone is a something ("He is a professor). In German, this "a" usually disappears ("er ist Professor" instead of er ist ein Professor).

Mein, dein[]

Everything that you've learned about mein (my) is exactly the same for dein (like turning into deine for feminine nouns).

Pronunciation Tips[]

The "sh" sound in German is spelled sch but also words starting with sp and st have a hidden "sh" sound in them! That means Student sounds more like "shtu-dehnt."


Lesson 1[]

  • der Kellner = the waiter
  • die Kellnerin = the waitress
  • der Schauspieler = the actor
  • die Schauspielerin = the actress
  • sie = she
  • er = he

Lesson 2[]

  • der Professor = the professor (m.)
  • die Professorin = the professor (f.)
  • was = what
  • der Beruf = the occupation
  • dein(e) = your

Lesson 3[]

  • der Arzt = the doctor (m.)
  • die Ärztin = the doctor (f.)
  • der Freund = the friend, the boyfriend
  • die Freundin = the friend, the girlfriend
  • der Student = the student (m.)
  • die Studentin = the student (f.)

Lesson 4[]

  • der Lehrer = the teacher (m.)
  • die Lehrerin = the teacher (f.)
  • aber = but
  • die Arbeit = the work
  • interessant = interesting
  • stressig = stressful


Duolingo Lesson: www.duolingo.com/skill/de/Jobs
