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Hobbies 2 is a skill in the German language tree that teaches some more words relating to common hobbies like music, games and outdoor activities. It has a total of five lessons.

Grammar Notes[]

Not like that![]

When you want to say you don't like something, you can use nicht gern just like you use gern!

  • Ich tanze nicht gern. = I don't like dancing.

Ihr and verbs[]

As we saw in the previous lesson, ihr like er, sie and es uses -t as an ending with verbs. However, some verbs aren't identical:

  • Hey, wollt ihr wandern gehen? = Hey, do you want to go hiking? (instead of will)
  • Habt ihr schon Pläne? = Do you already have plans? (instead of hat)


Lesson 1[]

  • die Gitarre = guitar
  • tanzen = to dance
  • nicht gern = don't like
  • surfen = to surf
  • das Hobby = hobby
  • die Hobbys = hobbies
  • du tanzt = you dance

Lesson 2[]

  • der Film = movie, film
  • sehen = to see
  • die Zeit = time
  • das Instrument = instrument
  • die Geige = violin
  • das Tennis= tennis
  • ihr habt = you have

Lesson 3[]

  • ich will = I want
  • die Videospiele = video games
  • er/sie/es/ihr hört = listen to, hear
  • der Jazz = jazz
  • du willst = you want
  • die Podcasts = podcasts

Lesson 4[]

  • grillen = to grill
  • die Hexe = witch
  • campen = to camp
  • ich campe = I camp
  • er/sie/es/ihr campt = camp
  • ihr wollt = you want
  • wandern = to hike

Lesson 5[]

  • die Pläne = plans
  • schon = already
  • (keine) Lust haben = (don't) feel like it
  • Mittwoch = Wednesday
  • arbeiten = to work
  • lernen = to study, learn


Duolingo Lesson: www.duolingo.com/skill/de/Hobbies-2
