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Health is the twenty-fourth skill in the language tree for German on Duolingo. Its five lessons teach imperatives and some basic vocabulary around being sick or healthy.

Grammar Notes[]


When you demand or ask someone to do (or not do) something, this uses the imperative tense. German imperatives, like English ones are very easy: simply use the du form of the verb minus the -st or the Sie form of the verb, depending on who you're talking to:

  • Iss mehr Suppe! = Eat more soup! (du form)
  • Gehen Sie bitte zum Arzt! = Please go to the doctor! (Sie form)

No more![]

The equivalent of the phrase "don't have X anymore" in German is kein X mehr haben:

  • Ich habe keine Bauchschmerzen mehr. = I don't have a stomachache anymore.


Germans use the 24-hour clock to tell time, so times in the afternoon/evening will be in the 'teens:

  • sechzehn Uhr = four o'clock p.m.


Lesson 1[]

  • krank = sick
  • ich schlafe = I sleep
  • traurig = sad
  • nachts = at night
  • zu viel = too much
  • nie = never

Lesson 2[]

  • die Kopfschmerzen = headache(s)
  • die Tablette = pill
  • trink = drink (imperative)
  • geh = go (imperative)
  • iss = eat (imperative)
  • zum Arzt gehen = to go to the doctor
  • das Krankenhaus = hospital

Lesson 3[]

  • der Termin = appointment
  • der Name = name
  • wie ist Ihr Name? = What's your name?
  • um wie viel Uhr = at what time
  • sechzehn = sixteen
  • siebzehn = seventeen

Lesson 4[]

  • die Bauchschmerzen = stomachache
  • sprechen = to speak
  • schlafen = to sleep
  • bleiben = to stay
  • müssen = to have to
  • das Fieber = (a) fever

Lesson 5[]

  • hurra = hooray
  • gesund = healthy
  • gute Besserung = feel better
  • kein...mehr = not anymore (see above)
  • glücklich = happy
  • die Zahnschmerzen = toothache


Duolingo Lesson: www.duolingo.com/skill/de/Health
