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Greetings is the fourth skill in the German language tree. It has three lessons that teach a variety of greetings, closing phrases and other common German phrases.

Grammar Notes[]

Greetings like Guten Tag and Auf Wiedersehen might seem to be the same as Hallo and Tschüss but they are more formal greetings - that is, ones you'd use with people you don't know as well.

Pronounciation Notes[]

A lot of German words seemingly have an extra "h" in them, but this indicates that the vowel before it is held for a little longer than usual:

  • eh = kind of like the English "eh?" or the ending of the word "day".
  • oh = long "o" sound like "zone".


Lesson 1[]

  • super = great
  • es geht = it's okay, it's fine, I'm all right
  • gut = good, well
  • wie geht's? = how are you?
  • guten Tag = hello, good afternoon

Lesson 2[]

  • OK = okay
  • guten Morgen = good morning
  • prost = cheers
  • auf Wiedersehen = goodbye
  • bis bald = see you soon

Lesson 3[]

  • bis später = see you later (today)
  • guten Abend = good evening
  • es tut mir leid = I'm sorry
  • kein Problem = no problem
  • natürlich = of course, obviously


Duolingo Lesson: www.duolingo.com/skill/de/Greetings
