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Family 3 is the thirtieth skill in the language tree for German. It has five lessons and teaches a variety of vocabulary relating to family members, travel and free time.

Grammar Notes[]

Time and space? No, time then place![]

In English, we often put the place where something happens before the time when it happens. In German you say it the other way around:

  • Ich gehe im Januar nach Berlin. = I am going to Berlin in January.
  • Mein Großvater reist morgen nach Japan. = My grandfather is travelling to Japan tomorrow.

Sein und ihr[]

These words mean his/its and her respectively. They work just like ein, dein, mein and kein!

  • Sein Auge ist schwarz. = His eye is black.
  • Sie hat ihr Brötchen. = She has her (bread) roll.

Hast du jetzt Zeit?[]

Since we're asking people whether or not they have time or free time a lot in this skill, it's a great time to review the German verb haben, to have!

English German
I have ich habe
you have (inf.) du hast
you have (form.) Sie haben
he/she/it has er/sie/es hat
we have wir haben
you have (inf. pl.) ihr habt
they have sie haben


Lesson 1[]

  • auf = on
  • sein = his, its
  • die Fahrkarte = ticket
  • der Beamter = civil servant (m.)
  • die Beamtin = civil servant (f.)
  • sie haben = they have
  • zufrieden = content

Lesson 2[]

  • ihr = her
  • reich = rich
  • die Schildkröte = turtle
  • die Geschwister = siblings
  • die Freizeit = free time

Lesson 3[]

  • die Kinder = children
  • sie = them (accusative of sie as "they")
  • brav = well-behaved
  • Januar = January
  • das Praktikum = internship
  • der Job = job

Lesson 4[]

  • Juni = June
  • arbeitslos = unemployed
  • das Auge = eye
  • das Motorrad = motorcycle
  • reisen = to travel
  • das Auto = car
  • Japan = Japan

Lesson 5[]

  • das Dorf = village
  • die Großmutter = grandmother
  • der Großvater = grandfather
  • die Großeltern = grandparents
  • aber = but
  • das Haustier = pet
  • der Computer = computer


Duolingo Lesson: www.duolingo.com/skill/de/Family-3
