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Family 2 is the thirteenth skill in the language tree for German. It has five lessons and teaches the accusative case in German alongside some more family vocabulary!

Tips & Notes[]

Akkusativ but not Accusatory[]

The accusative case in German is when you have direct objects. If you recognize how in English we say "I see you" but "You see me," you've already figured out the accusative case. In German, masculine nouns in the accusative case change from der to den and from ein (and other similar words) to einen:

  • Der Onkel -> Ich habe einen Onkel.
  • Der Hund -> Du hast den Hund.

All other nouns (feminine, neutral and plural) stay exactly the same.

There are other cases as well for other kinds of objects; we'll be learning those later.

What do you have?[]

The German verb haben (to have) is irregular, just like in English:

English German
I have ich habe
you have (inf.) du hast
you have (form.) Sie haben
he/she/it has er/sie/es hat


Lesson 1[]

  • der Onkel = uncle
  • einen = a/an (see above)
  • ich habe = I have
  • du hast = you have

Lesson 2[]

  • er/sie/es hat = he/she/it has
  • meinen = my (acc.)
  • deinen = your (acc.)
  • der Opa = grandpa
  • er/sie/es liebt = he/she/it loves

Lesson 3[]

  • meine = my (acc.)
  • deine = your (acc.)
  • die Oma = grandma
  • die Tante = aunt

Lesson 4[]

  • der Partner = partner
  • die Partnerin = partner
  • der Mitbewohner = roommate
  • die Mitbewohnerin = roommate
  • keine = none, not a

Lesson 5[]

  • du liebst = you love
  • der Fisch = fish
  • die Schnecke = snail
  • er/sie/es kommt = he/she/it comes


Duolingo Lesson: www.duolingo.com/skill/de/Family-2
