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Errands is the forty-sixth skill in the language tree for German. It has five lessons and the subject of the skill are errands, such as going to the bank or seeing a Beamte, a civil servant to get some paperwork done.

Grammar Notes[]

Some verbs in German don't always have objects in the accusative; sometimes they have them in the dative. Some verbs only have objects in the dative, and the verbs gehen and sein can have different meanings depending on the case you use them with:

  • Ich danke Ihnen für das Essen. = I thank you for the food (Ihnen is in the dative)
  • Meinen Kindern geht es gut. = My children are doing well.
  • Dem Jungen ist schlecht. = The boy isn't feeling well.


Lesson 1[]

  • kochen = to cook
  • die Botschaft = embassy
  • mir = me (dative)
  • dir = you (dative)
  • viel zu tun = a lot to do
  • nachher = afterwards
  • die Bank = bank

Lesson 2[]

  • seit = since
  • der Geburtsort = birthplace
  • das Passfoto = passport photo
  • das Visum = visa
  • verlängern = to extend, to renew
  • beantworten = to answer
  • Ihr = your (formal)
  • die Fragen = questions

Lesson 3[]

  • bedeuten = to mean
  • das Wort = word
  • Ihnen = you (dative, formal)
  • Es gibt ein Problem mit... = There is a problem with...
  • verstehen = to understand
  • die Formulare = forms
  • die Beamtin = civil servant (f.)
  • der Beamte = civil servant (m.)

Lesson 4[]

  • das Konto = account
  • eröffnen = to open up
  • die EC-Karte = debit card
  • der Bankkaufmann = banker (m.)
  • die Bankkauffrau = banker (f.)
  • überweisen = to transfer
  • helfen = to help (dative objects!)

Lesson 5[]

  • meistens = usually
  • der Parkplatz = parking space
  • das alte Auto = the old car
  • der Fahrradhelm = bicycle helmet
  • fahren = to drive, to ride
  • er/sie/es fährt = he/she/it drives/rides
  • die Straßenbahn = street car


Duolingo Lesson: www.duolingo.com/skill/de/Errands
