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College is the sixty-first skill in the language tree for German. It has five lessons and its focus is university and college vocabulary, both in the classroom and elsewhere on your Campus!


Lesson 1[]

  • der Austauschstudent = exchange student (m.)
  • die Austauschstudentin = exchange student (f.)
  • die Universität = university
  • die Ausbildung = apprenticeship
  • als = as
  • studieren = to study
  • an = at
  • bekannt = well-known

Lesson 2[]

  • der Nebenfach = minor
  • der Hauptfach = major
  • die Medizin = medicine
  • die Informatik = computer science
  • die Linguistik = linguistics
  • Vollzeit = full-time
  • finden = to find

Lesson 3[]

  • die Vorlesung = lecture
  • der/die Genie = genius
  • fair = fair
  • die Professorin = professor (f.)
  • der Professor = professor (m.)
  • zuhören = to listen to
  • antworten = to respond (to someone)
  • beantworten = to answer (a question)
  • klar = clear
  • die Frage = question

Lesson 4[]

  • das Handtuch = towel
  • die Badewanne = bathtub
  • der Mitbewohner = roommate (m.)
  • die Mitbewohnerin = roommate (f.)
  • das Studentenwohnheim = student dorms
  • waschen = to wash
  • sein Bett machen = to make one's bed
  • das Badezimmer = bathroom

Lesson 5[]

  • lernen = to learn
  • der Kurs = course
  • die Kurse = courses
  • das Semester = semester
  • belegen = to take (courses)
  • die Bibliothek = library
  • die Noten = grades
  • am Nachmittag = in the afternoon
  • erlaubt = allowed


Duolingo Lesson: www.duolingo.com/skill/de/College
