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Birthday is the twenty-second skill in the language tree for German. It has five lessons and teaches how to say when your birthday is and how to talk about parties and celebrations.

Grammar Notes[]

Im vs. am[]

When talking about time in German, use im before months and am before days of the week:

  • Ich mache am Freitag eine Party. = I am having a party on Friday.
  • Ich mache im April eine Party. = I am having a party in April.


When you pluralize Sie, you still use Sie. But when you pluralize du, you use ihr. Ihr uses

  • Nina und Max, habt ihr am zweiten Mai Geburtstag? = Nina and Max, is your birthday the second of May?


Most numbers in German are pretty regular when they become ordinal numbers (numbers that describe the order of things like second and fifth). The exceptions are ersten (first), dritten (third) and siebten (seven). The rest all add -ten to the end of the number:

  • den ersten Juni = the first of June
  • den vierten Mai = the fourth of May


Lesson 1[]

  • X hat am ... Geburtstag = X's birthday is the ...
  • ersten = 1st
  • März = March
  • April = April
  • morgen = tomorrow

Lesson 2[]

  • machen = to make, do
  • die Party = party
  • kommen = to come
  • Mai = May
  • zweiten = second
  • dritten = third
  • vierten = fourth

Lesson 3[]

  • ich kann = I can
  • du kannst = you can
  • das Picknick = picnic
  • siebten = seventh
  • zehnten = tenth
  • Juni = June
  • Juli = July

Lesson 4[]

  • die Einladung = invitation
  • ihr = you (informal, plural)
  • ihr kommt = you come
  • ihr möchtet = you would like
  • ihr macht = you make, do
  • das Wochenende = weekend
  • auf jeden Fall = definitely

Lesson 5[]

  • ihr könnt = you can
  • das Geschenk = gift
  • feiern = to celebrate
  • ich feiere = I celebrate
  • ihr feiert = you celebrate


Duolingo Lesson: www.duolingo.com/skill/de/Birthday
