Time is the thirtieth (assuming left to right) skill in the Dutch language tree. In the five lessons of this skill, the learner of Dutch is taught how to describe time accurately in Dutch.
Grammar Notes[]
Telling Time[]
The Dutch mostly use the English system of writing times and dates, with the sole exception of when it is half-past. The Dutch say half to the next hour. For example, 7:30 is half acht.
's []
Dutch permits saying in de ochtend or in de nacht, but the more correct term is using the contraction 's. Instead, say 's morgens or 's nachts.
Capitalization with 's[]
If the 's begins the sentence, then the word that it is proceeding gets the capital instead. For example, " 's Morgens ga ik naar de winkel."
Capitals in Dates[]
Dutch months and days are not capitalized.
Lesson 1[]
- de dag = day
- de nacht = night
- de middag = afternoon / noon
- de tijd = time
- morgenavond = tomorrow evening
- de avond = evening
Lesson 2[]
- de morgen = morning
- vanavond = tonight
- vandaag = today
- altijd = always
- vanmiddag = this afternoon
Lesson 3[]
- de klok = clock
- overdag = during the day
- het uur = hour
- het kwartier = quarter-hour
- hoe laat is het? = what time is it?
Lesson 4[]
- om = around
- half = half
- kwart = quarter
- over = past
- voor = to
- tot = to
Lesson 5[]
- hoelang = how long
- duren = to last
- het moment = moment
- lang = long
- later = later
- eerder = earlier
Duolingo Lesson: www.duolingo.com/skill/dn/Time