Spiritual is the hundred-eighteenth skill (assuming read left to right) in the Dutch language tree. It has six lessons in total. It teaches various religious themes such as sin and worship for a variety of religions.
Lesson 1[]
- de god = god
- de godin = goddess
- het gebed = prayer
- bidden = to pray
- het geloof = belief
- de religie = religion
- gelovig = religious
Lesson 2[]
- de priester = priest
- de dominee = minister
- de priesteres = priestess
- de geest = spirit, ghost
- het lot = destiny
- de ziel = soul
Lesson 3[]
- de moslim = Muslim (m.)
- de moslima = Muslim (f.)
- de hindoe = Hindu
- joods = Jewish
- de jood = Jew
- de atheïst = atheist
- de boeddhist = Buddhist
- de christen = Christian
Lesson 4[]
- de duivel = devil
- de engel = angel
- de levensbeschouwing = outlook on life
- heilig = holy, sacred
- de begrafenis = funeral
- mediteren = to meditate
Lesson 5[]
- mysterieus = mysterious
- de tempel = temple
- de moskee = mosque
- de synagoge = synagogue
- de kerk = church
- de magie = magic
- het mysterie = mystery
Lesson 6[]
- de vraatzucht = gluttony
- de ijdelheid = vanity
- de luiheid = laziness, sloth
- de hebzucht = greed
- de jaloezie = jealousy
- de zonde = sin
Duolingo Lesson: www.duolingo.com/skill/dn/Spiritual-%26-Religion