Senses is the thirty-second (assuming left to right) skill in the Dutch language tree. In the five lessons of this skill, the student of Dutch learns about the five senses and various words associated with them
Lesson 1:Seeing[]
- kijken (naar)= to look at
- het oog = eye
- lijken (op) = to look like
- de foto = photo
- bekijken = to watch
- het uitzicht = view
Lesson 2:Hearing[]
- luisteren (naar) = to listen
- de muziek = music
- het geluid = sound
- het oor = ear
- het lawaai = noise
- klinken = to sound like
- de stem = voice
- horen = to hear
Lesson 3:Tasting[]
- proeven = to taste
- smaken = to taste like
- de tong = tongue
- de mond = mouth
- de smaak = taste
- vies = dirty
Lesson 4:Smelling[]
- ruiken = to smell, to smoke
- de neus = nose
- de geur = smell
- het parfum = perfume
- stinken = to stink
Lesson 5:Feeling[]
- mooi = pretty
- lelijk = ugly
- hard = hard
- zacht = soft
- voelen = to feel
Duolingo Lesson: