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Past Participle is the hundred-tenth skill (assuming read left to right) in the language tree for Dutch. It has two lessons and teaches these adjectives derived from verbs

Grammar Notes[]

The past participle of a verb (its "have X" form) can also be used as an adjective:

  • het gekookte ei = the cooked egg
  • het gebruikte auto = the used car

Pay attention though to the ending of the participle; if it ends in -en, it does not get any adjective endings:

  • de gesneden appel = the cut apple
  • de gelezen boeken = the read books


Lesson 1[]

  • geleend = borrowed
  • gekookt = cooked
  • vertaald = translated
  • gebruikt = used
  • beschermd = protected
  • toegevoegd = added
  • gebakken = fried

Lesson 2[]

  • onbetaald = unpaid
  • gestolen = stolen
  • gerepareerd = repaired
  • gelezen = read
  • gewassen = washed
  • toegepast = applied
  • omgevallen = falled-over
  • ongebruikt = unused
  • ongekookt = uncooked


Duolingo Lesson: www.duolingo.com/skill/dn/Past-Participle
