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Dutch Baking, Food and Snacks is the hundred-twenty-second (assuming left to right) skill in the Dutch language tree. It teaches a variety of traditional Dutch foods and has three lessons.


Lesson 1[]

  • de vla = custard
  • de hagelslag = chocolate sprinkles
  • de appelflap = apple turnover
  • de vlaai = tart/pie
  • het poffertje = little pancake
  • de stroopwafel = caramel waffle
  • de/het drop = licorice

Lesson 2[]

  • het bakje troost = cup of comfort (usually coffee)
  • de kroket = croquette
  • de kroeg = bar
  • het café = café
  • de frikandel = hot dog (sort of)
  • de snackbar = snack bar

Lesson 3[]

  • de stamppot = mashed vegetables
  • de rookworst = smoked sausage
  • de portie = portion
  • de haring = herring
  • het uitje = little piece of onion
  • het kraampje = stall


Duolingo Lesson: www.duolingo.com/skill/dn/Dutch-Baking,-Food-and-Snacks
