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Duolingo Wiki

Jobs is the thirty-fourth (assuming left to right) skill in the Dutch language tree. In the six lessons of this skill, the learner of Dutch is taught vocabulary related to occupations, jobs, and professions.


Lesson 1[]

  • het werk = work
  • de schrijver(mas)/schrijfster(fem) = writer
  • de baan = job
  • de student(e) = student

Lesson 2[]

  • de carrière = career
  • het model = model
  • de kunstenaar(mas)/kunstenares(fem) = artist
  • de werknemer = employee
  • de werkgever = employer

Lesson 3[]

  • de dokter = doctor
  • de advocaat = lawyer
  • het personeel = staff
  • de secretaris(mas)/secretaresse(fem) = secretary
  • de burgemeester = mayor

Lesson 4[]

  • de baas = boss
  • de beroep = occupation
  • de boer = farmer
  • de architect = architect
  • de ober(mas)/serveerster(fem) = waiter/waitress

Lesson 5[]

  • de kok = cook
  • de ingenieur = engineer
  • de kapitein = captain
  • de bewaker = guard
  • de acteur(mas)/actrice(fem) = actor/actress

Lesson 6[]

  • de bakker = baker
  • de directeur = director
  • de soldaat = soldier
  • de slager = butcher
  • de dierenarts = veterinarian
  • de piloot = pilot


Duolingo Lesson: www.duolingo.com/skill/dn/Occupations
