Health 2 is the hundred-third (assuming read left to right) skill in the language tree for Dutch. It has five lessons and teaches more health and wellness vocabulary.
Lesson 1[]
- overgeven = to vomit
- blind = blind
- doof = deaf
- verkouden zijn = to have a cold
- niezen = to sneeze
- hoesten = to cough
Lesson 2[]
- de buikpijn = stomachache
- sterven = to die
- dodelijk = deadly, fatal
- de hoofdpijn = headache
- duizelig = dizzy
- giftig = poisonous
Lesson 3[]
- de huisarts = family doctor
- de apotheker = pharmacist
- de apotheek = pharmacy
- dood|bloeden = to bleed out
- zweten = to sweat
- op|zwellen = to swell
Lesson 4[]
- de tandarts = dentist
- genezen = to cure, to heal
- EHBO (eerste hulp bij ongevallen) = first aid
- de drogisterij = drugstore
- lijden = to suffer
- zwanger = pregnant
Lesson 5[]
- gespierd = muscular
- depressief = depressed, depressing
- mager = skinny
- ongesteld worden = to get one's period
- verslaafd = addicted
- dronken = drunk
- dik = thick, fat
Duolingo Lesson: