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Future is the seventy-fourth (assuming left to right) skill in the Dutch language tree with a total of four lessons. These lessons teach the use of the future tense to the learner of Dutch. The future tense describes what will happen.

Tips and notes[]

The future tense is formed in two possible ways: using zullen or gaan. Zullen means "will," and gaan (in this case) means "to be going to."

Remember that all verbs beyond the first should go at the end of the sentence.


Lesson 1[]

  • breken = to break
  • zullen = will/shall

Lesson 2[]

  • verliezen = to lose
  • overmorgen = the day after tomorrow
  • winnen = to win
  • ooit = ever

Lesson 3[]

  • bedekken = to cover
  • helpen = to help
  • missen = to miss

Lesson 4[]

No new words.


Duolingo Lesson: www.duolingo.com/skill/dn/The-Future-Tense
