Feelings 2 is the hundred-eleventh skill (assuming read left to right) in the language tree for Dutch. It has four lessons and teaches more moods and feelings in Dutch.
Cultural Notes[]
Gezellig has a very specific meaning beyond "cozy" or "comfortable". If you are having a fun time with some friends somewhere and you get a warm, fuzzy feeling, that's the essence of the emotion that gezellig describes. It's a comfort derived from other people, in other words.
Lesson 1[]
- opgewonden = excited
- geschrokken = shocked
- teleurgesteld = disappointed
- geïrriteerd = irritated
- ongerust = anxious
- verward = confused
Lesson 2[]
- kwetsbaar = vulnerable
- zelfverzekerd = confident
- eenzaam = lonely
- nieuwsgierig = curious
- zenuwachtig = nervous
- de gezichtsuitdrukking = facial expression
Lesson 3[]
- tevreden = content, satisfied
- uitgeput = exhausted
- hulpeloos = helpless
- ademloos = breathless
- gefascineerd = fascinated
- de traan = tear
Lesson 4[]
- wanhopig = desperate
- beledigd = insulted
- gemotiveerd = motivated
- beu = fed up (with)
- gestrest = stressed
- gezellig = cozy
Duolingo Lesson: www.duolingo.com/skill/dn/Feelings-2