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Duolingo Wiki

Economics is the hundred-sixteenth skill (assuming read left to right) in the language tree for Dutch. It has four lessons and teaches vocabulary related to the economy, money, and business.


Lesson 1[]

  • de handel = trade
  • de economie = economy
  • de beurs = stock market
  • economisch = economic
  • de vraag = demand
  • het aanbod = supply

Lesson 2[]

  • de dollar = dollar
  • de winst = profit
  • failliet gaan = to go bankrupt
  • het verlies = loss
  • de valuta = currency
  • de schuld = debt
  • het budget = budget

Lesson 3[]

  • de rente = interest
  • de lening = loan
  • de consument = consumer
  • de investering = investment
  • de producent = producer
  • de financiering = financing, funding

Lesson 4[]

  • het inkomen = income
  • de hypotheek = mortgage
  • het product = product
  • de fabrikant = manufacturer
  • de uitgave = expense
  • verdienen = to earn


Duolingo Lesson: www.duolingo.com/skill/dn/Economics
