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Duolingo Wiki

Adverbs is the ninety-fourth skill (assuming read left to right) in the language tree for Dutch. It teaches a variety of new adverbs to increase your vocabulary. It has four lessons.


Lesson 1[]

  • perfect = perfectly
  • tegelijk = at the same time
  • nauwelijks = barely
  • tenminste = at least
  • normaal gesproken = usually
  • mogelijk = possibly

Lesson 2[]

  • duidelijk = clearly
  • voldoende = enough
  • echter = however
  • momenteel = at the moment
  • zeer = very
  • intussen = by now

Lesson 3[]

  • zeker = definitely
  • nogal = quite
  • vanzelf = on its own
  • noodzakelijk = necessarily
  • telkens = every time
  • sowieso = in any case

Lesson 4[]

  • voorlopig = for the time being
  • volstrekt = completely
  • blijkbaar = apparently
  • doorgaans = usually
  • stiekem = secretly


Duolingo Lesson: www.duolingo.com/skill/dn/Adverbs-3
