Duolingo Wiki
Duolingo Wiki
Duolingo Wiki

If you came to this wiki from the course English for xxxxx speakers where xxxxx is your native language, here we show the Duolingo lingo in your language.

English French German Portuguese Russian Spanish Turkish
Discuss Discuter Diskutieren Comentar Форум Discutir
Discussion (replaced by Discuss) Discussion Diskussion Fórum Форум Foro
Gem Gemme Gem Cristal Gema
Health Forces Fitness, Stärke Energia Energía
Health piece Portion des forces Fitness Stück Coração de energia Barra de energía
Hearts (new synonym of health) Vies Herzen Vidas Vidas
Heart (new synonym of health piece) Vie Herz Vida Vida
Home (replaced by Learn) Accueil Startseite Início Главная Inicio
Leaderboards Ligues Rangliste, Bestenliste Ranking Рейтинг Ligas
League Division Liga Divisão Лига División
Learn Apprens Lernen Aprender Обучение Aprender
Practice Révise Üben Prática Тренировка Practicar
Shop Magasin Laden Loja Магазин Tienda
Skill Unité Fähigkeit Unidad Навык Unidad
Streak Série Streak Ofensiva Подряд Racha
Streak freeze Gel de série Streak auf Eis Bloqueio de ofensivas Заморозка Protector de racha
Take a shortcut (Android) Prendre un raccourci Zur abkürzung Pegue um atalho Toma un atajo
Tap the pairs Sélectionne les paires Paare antippen Toque nos pares Toca los pares
Test out of n skills (iOS, web) Passer un test pour n unités n Fähigkeiten freitesten Ser dispensado de n unidades Exonérate de n unidades
Tips and notes Conseils Tipps und Anmerkungen Dicas e observações Tips and notes
Words Mots Wörter Palavras Vocabulario
XP XP XP XP Очков опыта EXP

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