Duolingo Wiki
Duolingo Wiki

The Activity stream was a section that held a record of the activity on Duolingo, including discussions created, comments users posted, sentences translated, lessons completed, and course levels attained. In addition, users could review a record of activity from everyone they've followed. Users could also see a record of what they've done by clicking on their username in the Blue Bar at the top of the screen.

The activity stream also allowed users to:

  • Block other users -  to ignore spammers, and other individuals;
  • Comment -  on other users' streams; 
  • Like items - by indicating achievements/comments they like;
  • Go to articles - by clicking an article being translated by the user or friends;
  • Go to topics - by clicking a topic/comment posted by the user or friends; and

On April 18th, 2017, Duolingo CEO, Luis von Ahn announced the activity stream was immediately removed, due to functional problems,[1] causing the site to either not function properly or not function at all.

