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With What is the 44th skill (assuming read left to right) of the Czech language tree. This skill is about the nouns in the instrumental case and some related verbs.

Grammar Notes[]

The instrumental case is used when a noun is an instrument or being used to do something. In English such a noun is usually accompanied by the preposition "with". In Czech, this preposition is not needed as the sense is already inherent in the noun declined to the instrumental case. Adjectives which modify the noun also decline to match.


Lesson 1[]

  • lžící = with a spoon
  • nesmíš = you can't
  • něčím = something
  • čím = with what
  • tužkou = with a pencil
  • novou tužkou = with a new pencil
  • novou lžící = with a new spoon
  • .
  • tužka = pencil
  • Učím jí psát tužkou. = I am teaching her to write with a pencil.
  • Něčím ty dveře otevřel. = He opened that door with something.
  • Čím jsi napsal ten dopis? = What did you write the letter with?
  • Čím jí tu polévku? = What is he eating that soup with?
  • Určitě něčím ten dopis napsal. = He definitely wrote that letter with something.
  • Tohle jídlo nesmíš jíst lžící. = You must not eat this meal with a spoon.
  • Ten dopis jsem napsal novou tužkou. = I wrote that letter with a new pencil.
  • Píšeš tou novou tužkou? = Are you writing with the new pencil?
  • On tou lžící asi chce jíst všechno. = He probably wants to eat everything with that spoon.
  • Proč nejíš tou novou lžící? = Why aren't you eating with the new spoon?
  • Něčím to okna otevřít musíme. = We must open those windows with something.
  • Čím mám otevřít tu láhev? = What am I supposed to open that bottle with?

Lesson 2[]

  • zvláštní větou = with a strange sentence
  • tím novým perem = with that new pen
  • tím novým nástrojem = with the new tool
  • lepší větou = with a better sentence
  • .
  • nástroj = tool
  • věta = sentence
  • Proč jsi nezačal lepší větou? = Why didn't you begin with a better sentence?
  • Jeho dopis končí velmi zvláštní větou. = His letter end with a very strange sentence.
  • Ta kniha začíná zvláštní větou. = The book begins with a strange sentence.
  • Učil se to dělat novým nástrojem. = He was learning to do it with a new tool.
  • Dělam to tím novým nástrojem. = I am doing it with the new tool.
  • Musím psát tím novým perem? = Do I have to write with that new pen?
  • On tím novým perem psát nechce. = He does not want to write with that new pen.
  • Proč nepíšeš tím novým perem? = Why are you not writing with the new pen?
  • Umíš tím novým nástrojem otevřít láhev? = Do you know how to open a bottle with that new tool?

Lesson 3[]

  • hlubokým hlasem = with a deep voice
  • nožem = with a knife
  • zvláštním perem = with a strange pen
  • zvláštním nástrojem = a strange tool
  • levou rukou = with his left hand
  • nožem = with a knife
  • vysokým hlasem = a high voice
  • .
  • hlas = voice
  • Psala zvláštním perem. = She was writing with a strange pen.
  • Mluvil hlubokým hlasem. = He spoke in a deep voice.
  • Levou rukou držel mé pravé ucho. = He was holding my right ear with his left hand.
  • Snažil se jíst tu polévku nožem? = Was he trying to eat the soup with a knife?
  • Já to ale nožem udělat neumím. = But I do not know how to do it with a knife.
  • Tohle jsem neudělala nožem, ale tužkou. = I did not do this with a knife but with a pencil.
  • Když jem ji viděl, držela tím zvláštním nástrojem mrtvého ptáka. = When I saw her, she was holding a dead bird with that strange tool.
  • Co držela Žofie tím zvláštním nástrojem? = What was Žofie holding with that strange tool?
  • Žofie mluví zvláštním hlasem. = Žofie speaks in a weird voice.
  • Udělal to nožem. = He did it with a knife.
  • Mluvil tehdy Matěj vysokým hlasem? = Did Matěj speak in a high voice then?

Lesson 4[]

  • tim slovem = with that word
  • jedním hlasem = with one voice
  • jedním šálkem kávy = with one cup of coffee
  • slovy = with words
  • těmi slovy = with those words
  • zranit = to hurt
  • vyjádřit = to express
  • .
  • zranit = to injure.
  • vyjádřit = to express
  • Mluvime jedním hlasem. = We speak with one voice.
  • Jedním šálkem to neskončilo. = It did not end with one cup.
  • Tohle všechno opravdu začalo jedním šálkem čaje? = All of this really started with one cup of tea?
  • Všechno jsem vyjádřil jedním slovem. = I expressed everything with one word!
  • František tím slovem Kateřinu zranil. = František hurt Kateřina with that word.
  • Nevyjádřil to slovy. = He did not express it with words.
  • Těmi slovy jsme jej zranili. = We hurt him with those words.
  • Nechtěla jsem ji těmi slovy zranit. = I did not want to hurt her with those words.
  • Co jsi těmi slovy chtěla vyjádřit? = What did you want to express with those words?
  • Začalo to jedním šálkem kávy. = It began with one cup of coffee.

Lesson 5[]

  • jinými knihami = with different books
  • Kterými knihami = with which books
  • jinými nástroji = with other tools
  • Kterými nástroji = with which tools
  • .
  • My začináme jinými knihami. = We begin with different books.
  • Kterými knihami jste začali vy? = Which books did you start with?
  • Dnes je vyrábíme jinými nástroji. = Today we make them with other tools.
  • Kterými nástroji vyrábíte ty stoly? = With which tools do you make the desks?
  • Naše škola začala jinými knihami. = Our school started with different books.
  • Nevím, kterými nástroji je vyrábějí. = I do not know which tools they make it with.

Lesson 6[]

  • vlastníma očima = with one's own eyes
  • vlastníma rukama = with one's own hands
  • holýma rukama = with bare hands
  • .
  • zabít = to kill
  • Udělala to holýma rukama? = Did she do it with her bare hands?
  • Zabil holýma rukama medvěda. = He killed a bear with his bare hands!
  • Snažíš se mě zabít očima? = Are you trying to kill me with your eyes?
  • Já holýma rukama neumím zabít ani mouchu. = With my bare hands, I can't even kill a fly.
  • Viděl jsem je vlastníma očima. = I saw them with my own eyes.
  • Držela jsem to vlastníma rukama. = I held it with my own hands.
  • Musíš se dívat vlastníma očima. = You must look with your own eyes!

