Past 2 is the 37th skill (assuming read left to right) of the Czech language tree. This skill continues the introduction of the Czech past tense.
Grammar Notes[]
None provided.
As a recap from Czech Skill:Verbs: Past 1, the simplest form of the past tense verb ends with an "l" and is for the third person male singular only. Other third person verbs are inflected. To form the first and second person verbs, the third person verb (inflected as necessary) is then accompanied by an auxiliary verb "být" also inflected by person, number and gender. This auxiliary verb must be in the second place in the sentence.
Lesson 1[]
- věděla = she knew
- nevěděli jste = you (plural or polite) did not know
- našel = he found
- našla = she found
- našli jste = you found
- pamatoval = he remembered
- pamatovala = she remembered
- nepamatovala = she did not remember
- cítila jsi = you (female informal) felt
- cítily jsme = we felt
- necítil jsem = I didn't feel
- zapomněl = he forgot
- nezapomněla = she did not forget
- sežral = he ate
- sežraly = they (female) ate
- .
- Kde ho našla? = Where did she find him?
- Našel nový byt. = He found a new apartment.
- Už jste ji našli? = Have you found her yet?
- Cítily jsme kávu. = We smelled coffee.
- Zase jsi zapomněl? = Did you forget again?
- Jak se cítila jsi včera? = How did she feel yesterday?
- Co sežralo naše ovce? = What ate our sheep?
- Vy jste o tom nevěděli? = You didn't know about it?
- Nevěděl, kde to hledat. = He did not know where to look for it.
- Nikdy na něho nezapomněla. = She never forgot about him.
- Kateřina vždy věděla, co chce. = Kateřina always knew what she wanted.
- Protože si pamatovala, že je vdaná. = Because she remembered that she was married.
- Zapomněla jeho jméno, ale ne jeho slova. = She forgot his name but not his words.
- Ta holka si ani nepamatovala moje jméno. = That girl did not even remember my name.
- Necítil se dobře. = He was not feeling well.
- Co sežraly naše ovce? = What did our sheep eat?
- Kolik si toho pamatoval? = How much did he remember?
- Já jsem se nikdy necítil tak šťastný. = I have never felt this happy.
- Co jsi cítila? = What did you feel?
- Tvůj dopis sežral pes. = A dog ate your letter.
Lesson 2[]
- seděl = he sat
- seděli jsme = we sat
- seděly = they sat
- běžel = he ran
- běžela = she ran
- běželi jste = you (male) ran
- žil = he lived
- žili = they lived
- nežil = he did not live
- ležel = there was, there lay, he lay
- ležela = she lay
- leželo = it (neuter) lay
- stal = he stood
- stala = she stood
- stalo = it happened
- nestáli = they did not stand
- nestála jsi = you (female) didn't care
- .
- Kdy se to stalo? = When did it happen?
- Protože nestáli. = Because they did not stand!
- Na stole ležel nůž. = There was a knife on the table.
- Kam běžela ta kráva? = Where was the cow running to?
- Kolik stála to pohovka? = How much did the sofa cost?
- Kde leželo jejich město? = Where did their city lie?
- Protože jsi o mě nestála. = Because you didn't care for me!
- Seděli jsme na její posteli. = We were sitting on her bed.
- Kde seděly? = Where did they sit?
- Proč jste běželi tak rychle? = Why were you running so fast?
- Stal se z něj úspěšný člověk. = He became a successful man.
- Včera celý den ležela v posteli. = Yesterday she lay in bed all day.
- Nežil dlouho. = He did not live long.
- Jak dlouho tam žili? = How long did they live there?
- Dlouho seděl u okna. = He sat by the window for a long time.
- Tři měsíce žil ve svém automobilu. = For three months, he lived in his car.
- Stalo se to velmi rychle. = It happened very quickly.
- Po ulici běžel medvěd. = There was a bear running down the street.
- Stál u ledničky. = He was standing by the fridge.
Lesson 3[]
- dostala = she received, got
- dostal jsem = I received, got
- dostali jsme = we received, got
- čekal = he waited
- nečekal = he did not wait
- čekaly = they waited (fem. plural)
- čekali = they waited (mas. animate plural)
- začal = he started
- začala = she started
- začalo = it started (neuter)
- trvala = she took (e.g. she took a long time)
- trvalo = it took
- netravala = it didn't take her (long)
- vzal = he married
- vzali = they married
- nevzali = they did not marry
- skončil = he finished
- skončila = she finished
- skončili = they finished
- .
- Dostali jsme ho. = We got him!
- Nevzali dost jídla. = They did not bring enough food.
- Tohle jsem nečekal. = I was not expecting this.
- Začalo to ve čtvrtek. = It started on Thursday.
- Jak dlouho to trvalo? = How long did it take?
- Červenec skončil včera. = July ended yesterday.
- Kateřina na tom trvala, = Kateřina insisted on it.
- Kdy začal psát tu knihu? = When did he begin writing the book?
- Školu skončila v červnu. = She finished school in June.
- Naši hoši skončili druzí. = Our boys finished second!
- Naši kluci skončili druzí. = Our boys finished second!
- Dostal jsem hlad a žízeň. = I got hungry and thirsty.
- Cesta do města netrvala dlouho. = The trip to the city did not take long.
- Svůj druhý rok začala v listopadu. = She began her second year in November.
- Jak dlouho Kateřina a Žofie čekaly na Matěje? = How long did Kateřina and Žofie wait for Matěj?
- Rychle se vzali, protože čekali rodinu. = They got married quickly because they were expecting.
- Žofie od něj v srpnu dostala dopis. = Žofie got a letter from him in August.
- František si ji vzal za ženu. = František married her.
Lesson 4[]
- Vypadal jsem stejně? = Did I look the same?
- Kateřinu on miloval. = He loved Kateřina.
- Kam chodil pro pivo? = Where did he go to get beer?
- Vypadalo to jako cukr. = It looked like sugar.
- Kolik žen tě milovalo? = How many women loved you?
- Ale vypadala na dvacet. = But she looked twenty!
- Tehdy ho ještě milovala. = She still loved him then.
- Vždy si na mne stěžovala. = She always complained about me.
- On se o to nikdy nestaral. = He never cared about it.
- Na čem jste pracovaly včera ráno? = What were you working on yesterday morning?
- V neděli do restaurace nechodili. = They did not go to restaurants on Sundays.
- Naši dědečci chodili do školy i v sobotu. = Our grandfathers went to school even on Saturday.
- Byl chudý, ale téměř nikdy si nestěžoval. = He was poor but almost never complained.
- František od října do prosince nepracoval. = From October to December, František did not work.
- Když jsem byl nemocný, starala se o mě moje dcera. = When I was sick, my daughter took care of me.
- Děvčata v sobotu pracovala na zahradě. = The girls worked in the garden on Saturday.
- Kdo se staral o tvoje děti? = Who took care of your children?
- Stěžovala si, že polévka je studená. = He complained that the soup was cold.
- Stěžoval si, že je polévka studená. = He complained that the soup was cold.
- Vůbec nevypadal špatně. = He did not look bad at all.
Lesson 5[]
- počkala = she waited
- nepočkal = he did not wait
- nepočkali = they did not wait (male animate they)
- poznala jsi = you knew, you recognized (female you)
- nepoznal = he did not know
- nepoznali = they did not know (male animate they)
- zavřel = he closed
- zavřeli = they closed (male animate they)
- zavřela = she closed
- nezavřela jsi = you did not close (female you)
- otevřel jsem = I opened
- neotevřela = she did not open
- ztratil = he lost
- ztratila = she lost
- .
- otevřit = to open
- zavřit =to close
- ztratit = to lose
- Františeka zavřeli. = They locked up František.
- Dveře zavřel úplné. = He closed the door completely.
- Vůbec mne nepoznal. = He did not recognize me at all.
- Hlad nikdy nepoznali. = They never knew hunger.
- Počkala na ně na letišti? = Did she wait for them at the airport?
- Proč jsi ta okna nezavřela? = Why didn't you close those windows?
- Žofie v lednu ztratila manžela. = Žofie lost her husband in January.
- Matěj a Žofie na nás nepočkali. = Matěj and Žofie did not wait for us.
- Žofie dopis od Kateřiny neotevřela. = Žofie did not open the letter from Kateřina.
- Když jsem otevřel oči, můj pokoj byl prázdný. = When I opened my eyes, my room was empty.
- Na svého přítele nepočkal. = He did not wait for his friend.
- Poznala jsi svého přítele? = Did you recognize your friend?
- Nepláče, přestože ztratil přítele. = He is not crying even though he has lost a friend.
- Matěj v červenci u letiště otevřel novou restauraci. = In July, Matěj opened a new restaurant by the airport.
- Asi zase ztratil ponožku. = He probably lost a sock again.
- Kateřina pomalu zavřela oči. = Kateřina slowly closed her eyes.